EOS @ formnext 2021
Grow your part, grow your business, grow responsibly.
____ Krailling, Germany, November 16, 2021
EOS, a leading supplier for responsible manufacturing solutions based on industrial 3D printing technology, is convinced that the future belongs to digital manufacturing, with industrial this technology being one of the key drivers. Under the motto grow your part, grow your business, grow responsibly EOS at the formnext 2021 in hall 12.1/booth D01 in Frankfurt/Germany showcases its complete solution portfolio, including the metal and polymer technology, consulting, and education programs.
Responsible Manufacturing
EOS is deeply committed to fulfilling customer needs while acting responsibly for our planet. To emphasize its commitment to sustainability, EOS earlier this year introduced a holistic sustainability approach and responsible manufacturing purpose. The aim is to extend the boundaries of manufacturing to ensure together with its customers that future production is less harmful for the environment.
For example, a recent systemic Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) conducted by EOS together with its customer YOU MAWO and Fraunhofer EMI over the entire life cycle of their 3D printed polymer eyewear concluded that the 3D printed eyewear shows up to 58 percent lower carbon footprint than in the investigated conventional manufacturing scenario.
On the metal side, a new inductor design manufactured with EOS Copper CuCP on an AMCM M 290 1kW system from AMCM, an EOS company, contributes to the EOS responsible manufacturing approach. It enables functional integration of heating and cooling in a single part, up to 20 per cent shorter lead times for the inductor, up to 58% cost reduction up to 60 per cent lower power consumption during use and up to 2.5 times longer service life.

"Sustainability is the order of the day for all of us. It has always been in our company DNA, focused on our customers and their applications. Now, we are taking it to the next level. We are working towards establishing responsible manufacturing as the ‘new normal’.” And he concludes: “We are striving to increase the energy efficiency of our systems, reducing overall waste, using resources more consciously at every step of the process, and offering digital training. We invite partners and customers to join us on this journey and support our goal of responsible manufacturing."
Nikolai Zaepernick, Chief Business Officer at EOS

Grow your expertise: Digital, sustainable education with Additive Minds Academy
Grow your expertise: Digital, sustainable education with Additive Minds Academy
The COVID-19 pandemic made it obvious that we need to re-think business travel and training. EOS aims at bringing AM learning to the next level and making training more sustainable. In 2016, EOS founded the consulting unit Additive Minds, which supports companies in tapping the full potential of industrial 3D printing along the entire value chain. Since 2020, EOS complemented this offering with the digital trainings from Additive Minds Academy.
This all-embracing education provider for Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Direct Metal Laser Melting (DMLS®) technologies bundles the many years of experience from consulting and technical training. Through blended learning formats, online and remote training, the Additive Minds Academy is taking a step towards conserving resources. The digital courses reduce travel times and other efforts and costs involved, while making knowledge accessible faster and promoting equal opportunities for learners worldwide.
Carbon Calculator: final 3D-printed part’s contribution to carbon footprint
An assessment of the carbon footprint of an additively manufactured product must always be made in relation to a specific application. Besides the existing consulting offerings that mainly focus on business case and cost-per-part analysis, EOS Additive Minds now also offers life cycle analysis (LCA) of final parts as well as carbon calculation that will help customers to investigate the carbon footprint of a 3D printing production. Based on machine costs, energy, and gas consumption as well as materials, EOS can calculate the footprint of an entire AM-based production. The life cycle analysis of components starts with procurement, continues through production and the utilization phase, and ends with recycling.
ALM releases AM industry’s first carbon neutral polymer materials
What EOS has also learned over the past year is that powder materials can have a huge impact when it comes to carbon footprint. Advanced Laser Materials (ALM), an EOS company and leading materials developer for industrial 3D printing, conducted a full life cycle analysis study of materials from sourcing to production to customer delivery in both the U.S. and Europe.
It has released the industry’s first carbon neutral certified polymer materials line, starting with PA 820 MF CN – a mineral-filled bio-circular polyamide 11 material, and PA 802 CF CN – a carbon fiber filled bio-circular polyamide 11, optimized for high performance and certified as carbon neutral. The polyamide 11 base material, produced by Arkema and then customized by ALM for AM, is another step in EOS’ commitment to Responsible Manufacturing and sustainability.

Rethinking resources: sourcing, use, recycling
Overall, EOS’ goal is to rethink and develop sourcing, use and recycling of materials to reduce the footprint in AM powder production.
When it comes to sourcing material, EOS aims to use more and more bio-based or carbon-neutral polymer materials, securing regional supply where possible and constantly reducing the footprint in powder production.
When it comes to the use phase, EOS is currently testing sustainability-optimized parameters with the aim of setting up processes to enable either lower refresh rates or work with pure old powder. Also, low refresh PA materials are in development.
When it comes to end of use and recycling, EOS is currently evaluating how powder and parts can be recycled to granules for e.g., reuse in injection moulding. EOS will also expand the existing powder recycling program in Germany to other countries.
About the Company
EOS provides responsible manufacturing solutions via industrial 3D printing technology to manufacturers around the world. Connecting high quality production efficiency with its pioneering innovation and sustainable practices, the independent company formed in 1989 will shape the future of manufacturing. Powered by its platform-driven digital value network of machines and a holistic portfolio of services, materials and processes, EOS is deeply committed to fulfilling its customers’ needs and acting responsibly for our planet.
Nikolai Zaepernick, Chief Business Officer at EOS
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Additive Minds Academy: blended learning formats
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