Gilmour Space Rockets Ahead with EOS 3D Printing Technology
____ Gold Coast, Australia, November 29, 2023
Australian launch services company, Gilmour Space Technologies, has selected EOS to be its additive manufacturing (AM) partner as it transitions from research and development (R&D) and prototyping, to launch and manufacturing.
The Queensland-based company is months away from attempting Australia’s first sovereign orbital launch from the Bowen Orbital Spaceport in the state’s north, and plans to increase its launch cadence in the coming years.
This project is part of the Australian Space Manufacturing Network, which is supported by funding from the Australian Government under the Modern Manufacturing Strategy.
"We are excited to work with EOS and Additive Australia to enhance the in-house manufacturing capability for our Australian-made orbital launch vehicles and satellites."
David Doyle, Program Manager for Launch Vehicles at Gilmour Space
"It is really quite amazing to see the rapid innovation from organisations like Gilmour Space. Metal additive manufacturing allows for generative design and fast production, and now we are seeing the rules for developing space launch vehicles rewritten. We are thrilled to play a part of Gilmour Space’s ride to deliver satellites to low Earth Orbit."
Terrance Oh, Senior Vice President, EOS Asia Pacific
"Through our partnership with EOS we are proud to have worked with the Gilmour Space team to establish their metal AM facility, and we look forward to supporting them in their transition from prototyping to manufacturing."
Kevin Hazlehurst, Director at Additive Australia
About the Companies Involved in the Project
Gilmour Space
Gilmour Space Technologies is a leading Australian space company developing Eris orbital launch vehicles and G-Sat microsatellite platforms; and launching from the Bowen Orbital Spaceport in north Queensland. Commercial operations begin in 2024.: www.bmwgroup.com
Gilmour Space Contact
Michelle Gilmour
Head of Marketing & Communications
+61 433.908.084
Additive Australia
Additive Australia are the authorised sales and service partner of EOS in Australia and New Zealand. Our specialist team provide customers with complete advice and support to ensure that informed decisions are made and that the capabilities of the technology are fully leveraged..
Additive Australia Contact
Kevin Hazlehurst
Director, Additive Australia
+61 408.880.484
EOS provides responsible manufacturing solutions via industrial 3D printing technology to manufacturers around the world. Connecting high quality production efficiency with its pioneering innovation and sustainable practices, the independent company formed in 1989 will shape the future of manufacturing. Powered by its platform-driven digital value network of machines and a holistic portfolio of services, materials and processes, EOS is deeply committed to fulfilling its customers’ needs and acting responsibly for our planet.
Representatives from Gilmour Space, EOS Asia Pacific and Additive Australia
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